Daily routines can help you

Daily routines are a great way to build momentum towards something you want. You can do small things each day that will support you. Let me explain a little more. I love my boot camp group, but I wanted something every day. I wanted to gain strength but did not want to work too hard. I was curious to see what would happen if I did a few reps of a couple of exercises each day. In January, I started with 5 crunches and 5 pushups. In February, I decided to do 10, and then in March, I added squats and leg lifts. I am feeling stronger because each day, I do these exercises.  You may wonder what this has to do with money, but when you change one thing in your life it can change everything.

Here is one thing that you can begin to do today:

Intentions: You likely do this unconsciously, especially if you are trying to accomplish something important that day. Setting your intentions will give you the direction to move forward more quickly. There is something very invaluable about setting a weekly and daily intention because your mind will do what it can to help you find a solution to achieve that intention. An intention is different than a to-do list because a list has what you want, whereas an intention is more ambiguous. Sometimes I intend to create more joy, and then I am guided to the next step to create that.

I have created the Money Obstruction Assessment. I would love to help you discover the biggest mistake you are making to block money and your financial success. Make an appointment by clicking to Schedule your free 30 min session to learn what is limiting your money flow and one thing you can begin to do today.